
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Facts Vs. The Myths of The Life of Peg Entwistle

As many already know I am the historian who donated the headstone to the unmarked grave of actress Peg Entwistle and her father Robert Entwistle in 2010. I had the honor of knowing Ms. Entwistle's brother Milton from 2010 until his death in 2018 at the age of 100. I got to learn about her true existence and written about it on social media but yet on the anniversary of her death and on her birthday I see so many articles written promoting the same myths and lies about her life. I try to correct the authors in most cases I'm met with disdain, questioned or blocked completely. If you want to know the facts about Peg here they are.  Early Life Peg was born on February 5, 1908 her birth name was Millicent Lillian Entwistle not Lillian Millicent but yet people still get her name wrong. Her name was reversed on her death certificate which I believe is the reason for the confusion.  Her biological Mother was Emily Stevenson Entwistle and Her father was Robert Symes Entw