
Showing posts from September, 2018

In Loving Memory of Peg Entwistle on the 86th Anniversary of her death. 

Millicent Lillian Entwistle February 5, 1908-September 16, 1932  Born in Port Talbot Whales on February 5,1908 to Robert and Emily Entwistle. Her Birth Name is Millicent Lillian. Robert obtained a divorce and Full custody of Millicent around 1910 due to Emily’s mental instability and the two along with Robert’s Brother Harold left England for the US on the SS Philadelphia in Liverpool in 1913.  Robert and Harold were Shakespearean actors in England they performed at the coronation of King George and Managed Broadway Actor Walter Hampton After seeing Actress Laurette Taylor perform in the Broadway Play “ Peg ‘O My Heart” Millicent insisted that her family call her Peg after that. It became her stage name. At 17 Peg played Hedveg in Ibsen’s The Wild Duck a young Bette Davis was in the Audience and said “I want to be just like Peg Entwistle.” A Star was born! Peg’s Family lived in both New York City and Cincinnati. In Cincinnati Her Father and Uncle met and Married Sisters Lauretta and J