
Celebrities who have Lyme Disease

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month! I believe I've had Lyme since 1990 but I wasn't diagnosed until 2015. I had symptoms for decades went to doctor after doctor wanting to find out what was wrong with me, why was I in so much pain, why am I so fatigued none of them tested me for Lyme Disease until a physical therapist who grew up in upstate NY looked at me and said I think you need tested for Lyme Disease. My blood test showed 6 strains of Lyme Disease.  Lyme is Spread by any black legged tick, mosquitos, Horse Flies and Deer Flies. Lyme Disease doesn't discriminate there are a long list of celebrities who have been stricken with Lyme Disease here is a short list of celebs you probably know but had no idea they had Lyme.